Our Programming Fund

Keep The Fun Going!
The Programming Fund supports teen activities that include creative arts, personal and social wellbeing, sports and health, college, career / job skills, as well as academic, STEM, and service learning. Your donation helps support supplies, transportation, insurance, supervision, and administration.
Your donation can really help:
$25 – Helps fund individualized support (one on one) for ONE teen for a week.
$50 – Helps fund ten HOURS of safe, fun activities for ONE teen.
$100 – Sponsors one MONTH of teen birthday celebrations.
$200 – Helps fund one MONTH of tutoring for ALL teens.
$500 – Sponsor one “Friday Fun Night” activity for ALL teens.
$750 – Funds a YEAR of transportation for ONE van.
$1,000 – Helps fund a YEAR of small group mental health support for ALL teens.