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Pro Deo is where every teen is valued, loved, and equipped for change.

Pro Deo Youth Center - Start Here


Click Here to Register Teens

  • Free Pillar Programs Mondays and Wednesdays 

  • Free Tutoring Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • Friday Fun Nights from 5pm to 9pm


Click Here to Make a Difference.

Pro Deo is calling for passionate individuals, generous donors, and committed sponsors to rally behind our cause. Our mission is simple yet profound: to empower teens and create a brighter future.


Click Here to Discover Our Community Events.


Our fun-filled community events help you showcase your commitment to social responsibility and make a positive impact on teens. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide teens with the resources and support they need to achieve their goals and dreams.

We believe that every young person deserves to have someone in their corner, cheering them on and helping them navigate the challenges of adolescence.

Pro Deo Youth Center - Annual Report
Pro Deo Youth Center - Staff

Thank You for Supporting Pro Deo Teens

School Year Hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs 2:30pm-5pm

Fri 5pm-10pm

Pillar Programs Mondays and Wednesdays 

Free Tutoring Tuesdays and Thursdays

Friday Fun Nights 5pm to 9pm   

Weather Closures Coincide with School District

Summer Hours

Mon and Wed 12pm-3pm,

Fri 5pm-9pm

Hours may vary depending on activity.

Incoming Freshmen and Graduating Seniors are welcome all summer long. 

Office Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri  10am-3pm

214 NE Chipman Rd
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
(816) 226-6806

© 2024 by Pro Deo Youth Center.  Designed by |  Terms of Use  | App |  Privacy Policy  |  Careers  |  Internships

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