Volunteer at Pro Deo
We're very excited that you want to volunteer with us!
At Pro Deo, we're committed to creating positive change for teens in our community – and we definitely need your help.
There are so many opportunities to volunteer. Whether you're passionate about teaching, enjoy engaging with groups, or simply want to lend a hand, our volunteer program offers diverse opportunities for you to inspire the next generation.
Volunteer Opportunities
Program Volunteers (semester commitment recommended)Every day after school, Pro Deo Youth Center provides after school programs and tutoring. Our goal is to give all Lee’s Summit teens a safe place to go where they can be loved, valued, and equipped for change. Program volunteers serve after school by leading workout classes, teaching life skills, contributing to small groups, doing art projects, and by being a consistent loving adult in the teens lives. If there is a healthy living or lifestyle skill you’d like to share with our teens please contact staff with your ideas. Requirements: at least 21 years old, volunteer application submitted, background check completed
Presenter/Activity LeadersVolunteers who have a special talent or skill that they would like to share, teach, or lead can do so by completing the Volunteer Presenter/Activity Leader form. Presenters are asked to prepare a 30-45 minute interactive or hands-on activity that is appropriate for high school age students. Depending upon the number of students participating, the presenter may be asked to do the activity twice. For example, the first group of students would be with the presenter from 3 to 3:50. Then, the activity could be repeated with a different group of students from 4 to 4:45 p.m if desired. This would ensure smaller group sizes. Suggestions for activities can be found in the Volunteer Handbook. A Pro Deo staff person will always be present when the activity leader is with the students.
Teen SupportIndividuals who serve in the role of Teen Support generally are not here to lead an activity rather they are here to assist staff by being an extra set of hands, ears and eyes. You may assist in group activities if needed, but you will also be there to build relationships while having conversations with teens. If you see or hear something going on with the teens, report those instances to staff. We appreciate Teen Support volunteers who are willing to volunteer on a regular basis, whether it is once a week, twice a month or whatever works best for your schedule.
DriversWe are always looking for more volunteers to help us transport teens. Transportation is always one of the biggest barriers that keeps teens from being able to attend Pro Deo Youth Center and we would like to reduce that barrier as much as possible. After School drivers will arrive at Pro Deo Youth Center at 2pm, drive one of our 15 passenger vans to the designated local high school and bring those teens back to Pro Deo. We are also seeking volunteer drivers to help transport teens home after programming at 5pm.
TutorsSkilled tutors are what makes our Tuesday/Thursday Homework Room possible. This volunteer position will work one on one with a teen or assist a small group of teens if they are working on the same project.
Corporate, Church, or Group VolunteersGroups can volunteer in two ways: teen interactions or one-day/short term projects. Teen interactions include anything from providing Friday night dinners, sponsoring a fun evening outing, planning a holiday party, or even just organizing games or activities for our teens to do during after school programming. One day projects can include facility projects such as cleaning, outdoor work, organizing the supply closet or any other project suggested by a staff member.
Community Service Hours/Court Ordered HoursTeens or other individuals may volunteer with Pro Deo for community service hours. Projects include cleaning, organizing, doing office work, or other tasks needed to assist staff.
Our downloadable Volunteer Handbook below provides answers to many of the questions you may have about volunteering at Pro Deo.
Here's the Typical Pro Deo Schedule
The Five Pillars are:
Creative Arts
Personal and Social Skills
Sports, Health, Wellness
College, Career, Job Skills
Academic, STEM, Service
Join us for a quiet study space from 2:30-5:00 PM.
Test Prep
and More!
Some of ur free programming includes:
Field Trips
Arts and Crafts
Board and Video Games
and More!
Yes, our tutoring is FREE!
If you need help with a special subject, we can match you with a qualified mentor.
Fridays are always FREE! Friday evenings begin at 5:00 PM.
End times vary depending on the activity.
You are required to sign up ahead of time. Sign up for the activities on the app.