Pro Deo will be gearing up for fall 2023 and ready to serve more teens than ever before. Have you ever thought you might want to volunteer just 1 or 2 hours a week, or even 1 or 2 hours a month? Pro Deo offers all tutoring services including transportation from the schools at absolutely no cost to families. To pull off this amazing service, Pro Deo needs tutors and drivers. Research shows that tutoring and other school-based programs are tied to increased academic achievement in core content areas, especially for students who traditionally struggle most, like English learners, students from low-income families, and students in special education programs.
Now you may be thinking ”not me, I can’t tutor in anything”. Any adult with a clean driving record and background check can apply to volunteer as a driver. Some drivers just do one or two routes per month, but it truly helps stretch staffing budgets if a volunteer is covering the route. The most commonly asked question…. Will the driver be covered under Pro Deo’s van insurance policies? The answer is YES indeed. Pro Deo ensures all volunteers are covered when driving the Pro Deo 15-passenger vans.
You may ask “how does it work exactly?” Let’s say you choose the Tues or Thurs option to help get teens to tutoring. You may be assigned the LSHS route, which means you come to Pro Deo around 1:45 to pick up the van. You head to LSHS and wait for the exact number of teens who signed up for tutoring that day. Greet them with a smile and kind word, then drive them to Pro Deo. That’s it! Easy peasy, right?
Truly know that this opportunity to drive for Pro Deo will enrich your life. You will be giving back with your most precious resource….your time. If interested in driving or tutoring, please fill out the volunteer application located under community on our website.